Form and philosophy

Form and philosophy


Woodturning is an art form that connects philosophy, craft, people and eventually form. The creative process starts with the moment when a tree is marked to be felled and later cut into sections to be transported. Once I have the wood at my workshop, the initial production process usually begins with a chainsaw and employs a host of machines and tools. Time and the often lengthy process of enacting thoughts, dreams and ideas, eventually shapes the industrial piece of wood into an elegant and polished container. The creative process continues each time a bowl of salad is passed to a friend. 

Hundreds of decisions are made in the process, by a wide range of people, each of whom are inextricably linked to the creation of the piece and the enjoyment of its presence.

Some pieces, like those pictured above, have been carefully crafted from sustainable, kiln-dried exotic species. However, I mostly turn green timber from the local area, which I source from kind neighbours or Sheffield-based arborists who would otherwise process it into firewood. 

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